Sporty, affordable and very simple: How to become a member of the Bayerische Yacht-Club
All members of the BYC love sailing in all its varieties: regattas, youth sailing, offshore sailing or simply sailing for the fun of it. With close to 1000 members, the BYC is number wise the largest sailing club in Southern Germany. There are about 200 ambitious and successful adolescents and sailing juniors (ages 14 – 25) who are organized in a separate club (JJA). Please note that young people and junior members are subject to a different application process (link to JJA).
Adolescents between the ages of 14 and 18 can become independent members of the youth and junior department (JJA). They simply complete an admissions form with parental approval and do not need a sponsor. Children between the ages of seven and 14 can also become members of the JJA, given that at least one parent is a full member of the BYC. The board of directors decides on admissions.
Those interested in becoming members of the BYC should consult with a club member or a member of the board of directors; adolescents under the age of 18 should consult with a member of the board of directors in the youth and junior department.
Members of the BYC are happy to provide information regarding annual membership and admission fee.
Full members, family, and secondary members and transfers from the JJA are admitted through the BYC board of directors. In other words, really everyone can become a BYC member, no matter if you are or want to become a yachtsman, or if you are simply interested in supporting yachting.
Membership admission is granted upon application. The application needs to be accompanied by an endorsement letter of two full members (sponsors). Application forms are sent to applicants after completing and turning in the information form below.
The completed application form including a photograph is published in the club house and on the BYC web site for the duration of six weeks. In the follow-up, the board of directors decides on the membership request based on the application, the sponsor endorsement letter, and the personal interview. For the interview we recommend that you read through the club statutes (link to pdf).